An Ex-Servicemen Organisation | AN ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001-2015 & OHSAS 18001-2007 Certified Company
Xpert IFMXpert IFMXpert IFM
(Monday to Saturday)
Telangana, INDIA

Corporate Services

Corporate Services

Manpower management, sometimes referred to as Human Resource Management entails the employment of people to take active part in the running of an organization. It involves using the art and science of managing, planning, organizing, directing and controlling workers before and during their employment in an organization. Since this is a very sensitive area of business it requires the use of well trained professionals to supervise these activities. Also, because of the seasonal nature of the Manpower management department, it is not cost effective to keep them in-house. Rather, it is best to outsource these functions. We will provide the manpower for the following areas
Office Management Functions
Data Entry Computer Operators
Office Boys
Runner Boys
Office Assistants
Assistant Accountant
Facility Managers
Transport Management
Mail Management
Event Management